
Anime Reviews, Rants, and Revelations!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Les Miserables - the anime Ep 01

Running Impressions:

The opening: Love love LOVE the song. And it gives us glimpses of the story we all know so far I'm psyched.

Lots of French....MUCH like Kiddy Grade....ooooh boy.

Met the Master of the House...creepy shit.

Eyecatch thoughts: well....if this turns out to be like...Snow Queen...all dark and yet so cute...I might just give up on it. This show better put its girls through shit.

Was hoping for some more fan fans should be able to enjoy, as well. It also will be more like a animated classic than a slick re-telling. Poo.

Ending thoughts: two nice songs, with some dec. introduction...I just hope it isn't too easy on the heart. I'll stick with for a few...see where it goes.


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