
Anime Reviews, Rants, and Revelations!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Nana 8

Can we tell that this series has priority over all others?  (Meh...there's on every season)

So, each moment I spend with this show just brings me closer and closer to absolute affeciton for it.  This episode had tremendous plot movement, and really showed the amazing relationship that's developing for the Nanas....and aslo...sadly...the beginning of the decline of Shoji.   Nana O also gets som individual time with Trapnest, for a scene that was far more memorable in the manga and movie...but the anime adding a nice, touching, twist...which works.  

So, long live Nana, and lets push on with more anime!!


 - .hack//roots 6-8 (yes...still...)

 - Kasimasi 8 (mmhm...might drop it....unless I reeeeally am inspired one day)

 - Final Fantasy: Spirits Within (a full 2-hour movie that I just haven't had the time for)


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